To: August von Kotzebue, in Esthonia
Vienna, January 28, 1812

Anderson v1 pg353-354 - letter #344

Highly Esteemed and Highly Honoured Sir!

       When I was setting your prologue and epilogue to music for the Hungarians, I could not restrain an ardent wish to have an opera that would be the product of your unique dramatic genius.  Whether it be romantic, quite serious, heroic, comic or sentimental, in short, whatever you like, I will gladly accept it.  I must admit that I should like best of all some grand subject taken from history and especially from the dark ages, for instance, from the time of Attila or the like.  However, I shall gratefully accept the text, whatever the subject may be, provided that it comes from you and that it is the creation of your poetical mind, which I can translate into my musical mind.

       Prince Lobkowitz, who incidentally sends you his regards and who is now sole Director of the Opera, will certainly offer you a fee appropriate to your merits.  Do not refuse my request.  You will always find me extremely grateful for your work.  Awaiting a favourable and early reply I describe myself as your admirer.

                                                                                  Ludwig van Beethoven